A group of men standing around in the dirt.

Discover Hidden Treasures of Armenian Music

Book P. 92 Bogosian record and lyrics catalog

( 4 pages)

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A black and white image of a man with an old newspaper.
A page of an article with a picture and text.

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A page of handwritten text on paper.
A page of an old newspaper with a picture and text.

Book P. 95 Two record labels

A) Mer Hairenik

Book P. 98 Piano reduction of Le Cortege Hongrois (Alexander K. Glazunov)

A red and black record with the words " international talking machine company ".
A series of black and green images with the words " trains " in front.
A statue of a man with a beard and glasses

Book P. 140 Agop Martayan (1895-1979)

Gravesite, 2009 

Şişli (Shishli) Armenian cemetery

This large monument at the gravesite of Agop Martayan was commissioned by Mustafa Ataturk. He (Martayan) was designated by Mustafa Ataturk to develop a modern Turkish alphabet. Martayan used the letters of the Latin alphabet, with slight modifications. Ataturk bestowed upon Martayan the name, “Dilacar,” …dil (meaning tongue/language in Turkish)… acar (to open).

The name “Dilacar,” as well as Agop Martayan, is engraved on his grave marker (as shown above) at the Şişli (Shishli) Armenian Cemetery in Istanbul. Photo 2009, HK.

A white grave with crosses and the names of people.

Udi Hrant Kenkulian

Gravesite, 2009 

Şişli (Shishli) Armenian cemetery